18 April 2009

The Alphabet -- "Prosthetic Face"


Aaand here it is...

I like directing. Maybe I'll do it more often.

17 April 2009

The Alphabet -- Upcoming Music Video


So my band, recently renamed The Alphabet (from Pretty Balanced), is almost finished with our first-ever official music video and because it's an absolutely gorgeous day, I thought I'd share some stills.

08 April 2009

Thorpe the Eee


It came. My Asus EeePC 901 came, and I replaced Xandros with Eeebuntu, which is a thousand times better. Here's a screenshot:

Also, I'm writing this from the MBTA commuter rail. Because it has wireless. Crappy wireless, but STILL.

01 April 2009

Milk and Cookies Release Information


The Sneaky Mister's Milk and Cookies will be officially released on Thursday, 21 May 2009. The album will be available five different places and formats:

  • here, as a free download, in a .zip archive of .mp3s, for three months

  • on Last.fm, as free individual track downloads, indefinitely

  • on CDbaby.com as an extremely limited run of 50 copies for $20 apiece. The limited run will be duplicated on Memorex CD-Rs, the CD faces and inserts will be hand-screenprinted, drawn, signed, and stuffed in standard clear jewel cases with a tray card -- not slimline cases.

  • also on CDbaby.com as a $3 download, permanently

  • on iTunes for their usual $9 download or whatever, permanently

So yeah, people'll have their pick, and you can totes get it for free, at least for a long while.

Meanwhile I'll keep uploading Milk and Cookies beta tracks for general enjoyment.